Introduction to Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is considered a form of modern-day slavery. It is a multi-billion-dollar industry and occurs in all parts of the world. It is believed that at the latest count, over 20 million people, from all walks of life, have been victims of human trafficking. From child sex trafficking to forced labor (farmworkers, domestic servants, and construction workers), these victims have been denied their freedom, their livelihood (earned wages), and are often subjected to inhumane living conditions and unsafe working environments. The purpose of this educational offering is to familiarize the healthcare professional with the issues of human trafficking, including recognition of potential victims, identification of support services available for victims of human trafficking, and acknowledgment of the legal obligations of healthcare providers when caring for potential victims of human trafficking.

Course Publication Date: April 02, 2021

This course is available with NO ADDITIONAL FEE if you have an active one year unlimited membership!

Author:Maureen Sullivan-Tevault RN, BSN, CEN, CDCES
Contact Hours:3.00
Delivery Method:Online Self Study
Category:Professional Issues
Community & Home Health
Learning Objectives
  • Identify four potential risk factors for a victim of human trafficking.

  • Recall social/legal services available to victims of human trafficking.

  • Identify the various types of human trafficking.

  • Identify healthcare related guidelines for reporting suspected human trafficking.

  • Recall one examples of human trafficking hotline numbers and websites for referral services.

  • Recall the principles of trauma informed care.


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