All about Breastfeeding
The purpose of this article is to provide information and tools to help the nurse effectively teach and assist breastfeeding mothers.

Course Publication Date: September 10, 2021

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Author:Wanda Lockwood RN, BA, MA
Course No:BF060421
Contact Hours:4.00
Delivery Method:Online Self Study
Category:Pediatric Medicine
Community & Home Health
Medical & Surgical Issues
Women's Health
Learning Objectives
  • Explain the composition of breast milk and lactation.

  • List and explain at least 4 benefits to breastfeeding.

  • List at least 6 signs of hunger in a newborn.

  • List and describe the 4 primary positions for breastfeeding.

  • Discuss how to facilitate latching on and the correct position of the baby’s mouth on the breast.

  • Describe the dynamics of the let-down (milk-ejection) reflex.

  • Describe the 3 different types of breast milk.

  • Discuss frequency and duration of nursing.

  • Explain the size of the newborn stomach at day 1, 3, and 7.

  • Describe how urinary and fecal output can be used to evaluate and infant’s intake.

  • Explain the steps to hand expressing breast milk.

  • Describe methods of pumping the breast and purposes.

  • Describe 4 possible causes of cracked bleeding nipples and treatment options.

  • Explain the cause of engorgement and management strategies.

  • Explain the differences between blocked milk ducts and mastitis and treatment options.

  • Discuss methods to help mothers who must nurse in public, maternal dietary requirements, and follow-up needs.

  • Explain the WHO/UNICEF’s Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding.

  • Explain the goals of the Healthy People 2020 Initiative related to breastfeeding.


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