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 Course NoNameContact Hours 
  BSR121819 A Historical and Modern Perspective on Essential Basic Skin Routines 2.00 
  RBC121019 A Review of Breast Cancer 2.00 
  APS052820 ABCs of Plastic Surgery 1.00 
  TC042320 ABCs of Thyroid Cancer 1.00 
  PSAI071318 Addison’s Disease: Primary and Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency and Polyglandular Autoimmune Disorders 4.00 
  ALB0522 Albinism 3.00 
  AT070820 All About Adrenal Tumors 1.00 
  AA042320 All About Alcoholism 2.00 
  BF060421 All about Breastfeeding 4.00 
  AHM122119 All About Herbal Medications 2.00 
  MR041920 All About Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) 1.00 
  RP042020 All About Raynaud’s Phenomenon 1.00 
  RA042220 All About Rheumatoid Arthritis 2.00 
  APC061019 Alternative Pain Control in Childbirth 3.00 
  OVOST1222 An Overview of Osteoporosis 1.00 
  OPD1222 An Overview of Parkinson's Disease 1.00 
  FAS010220 Analyzing Fetal Alcohol Syndrome 1.00 
  AAA042219 Anti-Aging Aesthetic Nursing 1.00 
  FTP052820 Baby is Here-What happens in the Fourth Trimester of Pregnancy? 1.00 
  BOM121019 Basics of Menopause 1.00 
  STD060221 Basics of STDs and STIs 2.00 
  BCI0422 Bladder Control Issues and Answers 2.00 
  BHO0522 Bone Health: Osteoporosis 3.00 
  BDV071619 Bringing Domestic Violence to Light 2.00 
  BN062820 Bulimia Nervosa 2.00 
  BN072420 Bulimia Nervosa 1.00 
  BQR061218 Bunions: A Quick Review 1.00 
  CTS0622 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Painful and Costly 2.00 
  CTS061521 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: The Enemy of Repetitive Hand Movements 3.00 
  CSTD102119 Chlamydia-The Most Prevalent STD Updated 1.00 
  FID061019 Coping with Fetal and Infant Death 2.00 
  DDR052720 Dangerous Drugs at RAVES 2.00 
  A042220 Dealing with Asbestosis 1.00 
  SA042320 Dealing with Sleep Apnea 1.00 
  DH041820 Describing Hypertension 2.00 
  DIC052720 DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation): A Pregnancy Emergency 2.00 
  DDNR041820 Discussing Doctor - Nurse Relationships 1.00 
  DL060221 Discussing Lupus 1.00 
  PDL041920 Discussing Pain Relief During Labor 1.00 
  DPS041820 Discussing Pap Smears 1.00 
  DICP021820 Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation in Pregnancy 1.00 
  END-21 Effective Nursing Documentation 4.00 
  EA042220 Elder Abuse on the Rise 3.00 
  EBR082018 Episiotomy Benefits and Risks 1.00 
  END052820 Exploring Nursing Documentation 1.00 
  SYPH0522 Facts About Syphilis 3.00 
  FIB1122 Fibromyalgia At Its Worst 2.00 
  FS080420 Fibromyalgia Syndrome Overview 1.00 
  FFF020320 Fibromyalgia: Fact or Fiction? 1.00 
  FL-TRAFFIC-22 Florida: Teaching Nurses about Human Trafficking 2.00 
  GDU061218 Gallbladder Disease Updated 3.00 
  GD072120 Gallbladder Disease Updated 2020 3.00 
  GS052720 Got Stress? 1.00 
  GG121018 Grief and Grieving 1.00 
  GBS0522 Guillain-Barré Syndrome and Variants 4.00 
  HUD052118 Hand in Hand: Unipolar/Bipolar Disorders along with Substance Abuse 1.00 
  HIP0522 Helminthic (Worm) Intestinal Parasites 5.00 
  HIVAIDS0720 HIV/AIDS Update – 1-Hour Course 1.00 
  HDP061019 Hypertension During Pregnancy 2.00 
  HU070820 Hysterectomy Update 2020 3.00 
  IAF072120 Influenza and Avian Flu 1.00 
  IBS042220 Irritable Bowel Syndrome 1.00 
  IBS1222 Irritable Bowel Syndrome: An Overview 1.00 
  LCR072320 Laboratory Chemistry Review 1.00 
  LPB010220 Liposuction: Procedures & Benefits 3.00 
  LCD0622 Low Carbohydrate Diets: An Overview 1.00 
  MM080420 Medical Marijuana: Helpful or Dangerous 1.00 
  OBU051319 Obesity Updated 2.00 
  OBUR051319 Obesity Updated & Revised 3.00 
  BBP0622 Pathogenic Microorganisms: Bloodborne Disease 1.00 
  PP072520 Placental Previa and Abruption: An Overview 1.00 
  PF080320 Plantar Fasciitis Updated 2020 3.00 
  AP042220 Possible Abnormalities of Pregnancy 2.00 
  PMD041820 Postpartum Mood Disturbances 1.00 
  PCA061819 Prenatal Care for the Adolescent 1.00 
  PL052720 Preterm Labor 1.00 
  PPII0522 Protozoan/Protist Intestinal Infections 4.00 
  PDR061121 Psoriasis: The Dreaded Rash 3.00 
  AKD0520 Rhabdomyolysis – Suspecting and Managing this Acute Kidney Disorder 2.00 
  SC120919 Skin Cancer: Basal, Squamos & Melanoma 3.00 
  SLB060421 Skin Lesions: Benign, Pre-Cancerous & Malignant 3.00 
  DND0622 Stay Out of Court: Defensive Nursing Documentation 2.00 
  SB100819 Stillbirths Updated 2.00 
  ARP042320 Talking about Alcohol and Related Problems 3.00 
  CT042220 Talking About Cancer Treatments 3.00 
  NF042220 Talking About Nutrition and Fitness 2.00 
  EMU061521 The Evaluation and Management of Urinary Incontinence 2.00 
  TS121019 Thyroid Disorders 2.00 
  TD072518 Tic Disorders, including Tourette’s Syndrome 4.00 
  TT080320 Transition Theory: An Approach for Understanding Perinatal Depression 2.00 
  TWD020320 Treating Women with Depression 1.00 
  ICS061621 Understanding and Improving Communication Styles 3.00 
  HUMANTRAFF-22 Understanding Human Trafficking 3.00 
  ACS121019 Update on Acute Coronary Syndrome 2.00 
  ASM080420 Update on Aging, Sleep, and Medications 2020 3.00 
  C042220 Update on Constipation 1.00 
  GD071320 Update on Gestational Diabetes 1.00 
  NES080320 Update on Nutrition & Exercise for Senior Citizens 2.00 
  PCD042220 Update on Pregnancy Complicated by Disease 1.00 
  PPD121019 Update on Pregnancy with Preexisting Diabetes 1.00 
  UTI1122 Update on Urinary Tract Infections 1.00 
  JOUR051319 Using Journaling to Heal 1.00 
  VBC072120 Vaginal Birth after a C-Section (VBAC) 1.00 
  VDB062820 Vitamin D: Benefits and Risks 2.00 
  BA121019 What Is Breast Augmentation? 3.00 
  WIC052019 What Is Interstitial Cystitis? 2.00 
  WIM060619 What Is Menopause? 2.00 


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