CNA: Pain and Pain Management
The goal of this course is to help Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) learn about issues dealing with pain and pain management.

Course Publication Date: October 12, 2023

This course is available with NO ADDITIONAL FEE if you have an active one year unlimited membership!

Author:Anita Rothera-Delaney RN, BS
Course No:CNA-PAIN-24
Contact Hours:3.00
Delivery Method:Online Self Study
Category:CNA Registered Courses
Learning Objectives
  • Describe the different kinds of doctors who are able to treat pain.

  • Discuss some of the specific questions that need to be asked so a patient can make an informed decision regarding their pain management.

  • Describe some of the various techniques and tests that are available to help determine the cause of pain.

  • Recall some of the options given in this course to help deal with the emotional aspects of pain.

  • Recall two common psychological treatments used to treat pain.

  • List two kinds of pain and how they differ.

  • Describe what ‘palliative care’ is and how it deals with the treatment of problems including pain, nausea, and loss of appetite, depressions and fatigue.

  • Discuss Hospice Care.

  • Recall the two components of pain.

  • List two common side effects of narcotic (opioid) medications.

  • Describe the Pain Care Bill of Rights.

  • Discuss the Quality of Life Scale which is a measure of function for people with pain.

  • Recall two warning signs that a patient is becoming addicted to pain pills.


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