Challenges of Surgery for Diabetics
The goal of this course is to expand the knowledge base of the professional nurse with regard to the diabetic client who is facing surgery. Included in this course are explanations of how the stress of impending surgery affects the diabetic client physiologically and the necessity of increased insulin requirements to meet blood sugar elevations as a result. Additionally, insulin requirements post-operatively for the patient with diabetes so critical for the healing process will be explained in this course of study. Furthermore, the patient who relies on an insulin pump for control of diabetes will be included in this discussion.

Course Publication Date: May 27, 2020

This course is available with NO ADDITIONAL FEE if you have an active one year unlimited membership!

Author:Gloria Tartaglia RN
Course No:CSD052720
Contact Hours:2.00
Delivery Method:Online Self Study
Category:Medical & Surgical Issues
Community & Home Health
Critical Care Medicine
Geriatric Medicine
Leadership & Case Management
Learning Objectives
  • Describe three adverse effects of surgery on a diabetic client.

  • Identify four situations that adversely affect blood glucose levels for the diabetic.

  • Name three considerations of which nurses caring for the diabetic patient must be cognizant of during illness and surgery.

  • Discuss the use of continuous glucose monitoring and its application.

  • Explain the nurse’s role during hospitalization of a patient using a continuous insulin administration pump.


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