A Primer on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
Think about the last time you had a really bad case of the flu. Remember that aching all over feeling… sort of like you’d been run over by a Mack truck? And later, when you were getting over your illness, you might have experienced a day or two when you felt better, or so you thought, until you actually got up and tried to do something. Then you found out that going as far as the bathroom was enough to put you back into the bed for the remainder of the day. Got that memory in place? Good. Now, try to imagine that those feelings never seem to go away. If you can do that, you may begin to have some idea of how it feels to have chronic fatigue syndrome [CFS].CFS, also called systemic exertional intolerance disease and myalgic encephalomyelitis, systemic exertion intolerance disease, is characterized by pervasive, persistent fatigue accompanied by cognitive changes, rheumatologic pain and symptoms consistent with infection. In spite of more than a decade of investigation, the cause remains unknown. CFS is a commonly occurring, heterogeneous disease affecting multiple body systems, at its worst, causing significant disability and negatively affecting quality of life. CFS is now recognized as one of the most common chronic illnesses seen, and a major public health problem, yet it remains marginalized and poorly understood. The purpose of this article is to present current information about chronic fatigue syndrome.

Course Publication Date: May 27, 2020

This course is available with NO ADDITIONAL FEE if you have an active one year unlimited membership!

Author:Ray Lengel RN, FNP, MS
Course No:MEC052720
Contact Hours:2.00
Delivery Method:Online Self Study
Category:Pain Management
Leadership & Case Management
Medical & Surgical Issues
Psychiatric & Mental Health
Learning Objectives
  • Describe signs and symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

  • Discuss theories about the etiology of CFS.

  • Discuss diagnostic criteria for CFS.

  • Give examples of treatment options for CFS.


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