An Update on Rx Drug Use and Abuse 2020
The purpose of this course is to assist the professional nurse in understanding, identifying and caring for the drug-seeking patient.

Course Publication Date: July 24, 2020

This course is available with NO ADDITIONAL FEE if you have an active one year unlimited membership!

Author:Gloria Tartaglia RN
Course No:DUA072420
Contact Hours:3.00
Delivery Method:Online Self Study
Category:Medical & Surgical Issues
Community & Home Health
Emergency & Trauma Medicine
Geriatric Medicine
Oncologic Medicine
Learning Objectives
  • Discuss medications most often implicated in prescription drug abuse.

  • State conditions, which are associated with drug seeking behavior.

  • Identify aspects of behavior that lead a professional to suspect an individual is abusing prescription drugs.

  • Discuss professional interventions and responsibilities that should be utilized when caring for a patient suspected of abusing prescription drugs.

  • Define drug abuse, drug tolerance, drug dependence, and drug addiction.


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