Elder Abuse: An Overview
The goal of this course is to provide registered nurses with information about the incidence of elder abuse. In addition, it will increase the awareness of registered nurses about the signs and symptoms of elder abuse and inform registered nurses about the legal rights inherent in the mandated reporter law.

Course Publication Date: August 05, 2020

This course is available with NO ADDITIONAL FEE if you have an active one year unlimited membership!

Author:Ray Lengel RN, FNP, MS
Course No:EA080420
Contact Hours:1.00
Delivery Method:Online Self Study
Category:Medical & Surgical Issues
Community & Home Health
Emergency & Trauma Medicine
Geriatric Medicine
Leadership & Case Management
Professional Issues
Learning Objectives
  • Name two instances of physical abuse of an elder.

  • Name three instances of financial abuse of an elder.

  • List two risk factors in caregiver abuse.

  • List three symptoms of psychological abuse.

  • Describe the pertinent section of the mandated reporter law as it relates to the practice of nursing


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