HCA: Dealing with Cognitively Impaired Clients
The goal of this course is to help Home Care Aides (HCAs) learn about communicating with cognitively impaired clients.

Course Publication Date: September 10, 2021

This course is available with NO ADDITIONAL FEE if you have an active one year unlimited membership!

Author:Anita Rothera-Delaney RN, BS
Contact Hours:3.00
Delivery Method:Online Self Study
Category:Home Care Aide
Learning Objectives
  • State two generally accepted criteria for the diagnosis of cognitive impairment.

  • Identify common treatment choices for different types of cognitive impairment.

  • Describe the challenge of working with cognitively impaired clients.

  • Give a basic definition of ‘cognitive impairment’.

  • State three common signs and symptoms of cognitive impairment.

  • Discuss two possible causes of cognitive impairment.

  • List two techniques HCAs can use to communicate with a client who is cognitively impaired.


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