An Ancient Art: Traditional Chinese Medicine
The goal of this course is to give health professionals a basic introduction to the ancient system of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Course Publication Date: September 17, 2021

This course is available with NO ADDITIONAL FEE if you have an active one year unlimited membership!

Course No:TCM061521
Contact Hours:1.00
Delivery Method:Online Self Study
Category:Medical & Surgical Issues
Nutrition & Fitness & Complimentary
Learning Objectives
  • Present the history and roots of TCM.

  • Discuss the systems approach of TCM.

  • Discuss the theory of Yin and Yang and show how it is used in TCM.

  • Talk about the Five-Phase Theory and illustrate its use in diagnosis and treatment.

  • Discuss the Five Elements.

  • Discuss the Meridian System and show its role in health.

  • Show how the Meridian System is used in acupuncture.

  • Discuss the Four Examinations and show how they are used in the assessment and diagnosis of disease.

  • Discuss the three causes of disease.

  • Discuss the six essential aspects that are present in the treatment of disease.


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