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Facts About Syphilis
The goal of this course is to outline and illustrate the stages of syphilis, the symptoms, the treatment, and the importance of health professionals’ awareness related to the disease.

Course Publication Date: November 09, 2022

This course is available with NO ADDITIONAL FEE if you have an active one year unlimited membership!

Author:Wanda Lockwood RN, BA, MA
Course No:SYPH0522
Contact Hours:3.00
Delivery Method:Online Self Study
Category:Medical & Surgical Issues
Community & Home Health
Emergency & Trauma Medicine
Leadership & Case Management
Women's Health
Learning Objectives
  • Describe demographic trends with syphilis.

  • Explain the method of transmission of Treponema Pallidum.

  • List and describe the 4 stages of syphilis.

  • Describe the primary lesion of the primary stage of syphilis.

  • List at least 4 symptoms of the secondary stage of syphilis.

  • Explain the differences between early latent and late latent stages of syphilis.

  • List at least 4 symptoms related to tertiary (late) syphilis.

  • List and describe 3 types of neurosyphilis.

  • List and describe at least 4 symptoms of congenital syphilis.

  • Describe screening recommendations for syphilis.

  • Explain how syphilis relates to different populations, such as males having sex with other males, adolescents, children, and pregnant women.

  • Discuss methods of prevention.

  • Explain treatment options for syphilis.


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