End-of-Life Considerations
This course will enable the learner to understand some of the complexities surrounding end-of-life issues including medical choices, such as artificial feeding and hydration and blood transfusions, and end-of-life planning that delves into the legal documents of advance directives including living wills and healthcare proxies. Although end-of-life discussions can be difficult, this course will help the healthcare professional have a better understanding of the intricacies involved in planning for this inevitable time. This course invites learners to reflect on the diverse aspects of end-of-life care, fostering a deeper understanding of the choices that shape the final chapters of life.

Course Publication Date: February 29, 2024

This course is available with NO ADDITIONAL FEE if you have an active one year unlimited membership!

Author:Susan Hausle MSN, RN, CHPN
Course No:END-24
Contact Hours:3.00
Delivery Method:Online Self Study
Category:Medical & Surgical Issues
Geriatric Medicine
Oncologic Medicine
Learning Objectives
  • Evaluate three quality-of-life considerations

  • Compare the risks and benefits of artificial feeding at the end of life

  • Discuss how two legal cases influenced modern end-of-life planning

  • List two reasons antibiotics may be contraindicated for the dying patient

  • Explain three benefits of organ donation

  • Identify four advantages associated with advance directives

  • Restate three negative impacts of CPR on someone at the end of life

  • Explain when a conservatorship may be necessary

  • Analyze how mental health considerations impact end-of-life decisions


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