Medication Safety
This course provides the clinician with information related to medication administration safety and patient rights as they relate to medication. A review of the impact and scope of medication errors and adverse drug events is provided. Interventions to reduce medical errors are highlighted along with nursing considerations.

Course Publication Date: September 21, 2023

This course is available with NO ADDITIONAL FEE if you have an active one year unlimited membership!

Author:Susan Hausle MSN, RN, CHPN
Course No:MEDSAFE-23
Contact Hours:4.00
Delivery Method:Online Self Study
Learning Objectives
  • Define a medication error

  • Formulate examples of acts of commission and omission

  • State the three types of adverse events and an example of each

  • Differentiate between a slip and a mistake

  • Analyze the five most common causes of medication administration errors

  • Evaluate two ways errors can occur when using the Five Rights of medication administration

  • List three commonly used abbreviations and what should be written instead

  • Explain two reasons why medication error reporting is important for patient safety

  • State the Five Rights of medication administration and how each right protects patients

  • Restate how medication reconciliations enhance patient safety

  • Describe five nursing considerations specific to safe medication administration

  • Discuss one positive and one negative aspect of medication dispensing systems

  • List three classes of high-risk medications with an example for each class


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