CNA: Discussing Substance Abuse
The goal of this course is to help CNAs learn about substance abuse - the warning signs, criteria for diagnosis, and behavior associated with drug use.

Course Publication Date: October 11, 2023

This course is available with NO ADDITIONAL FEE if you have an active one year unlimited membership!

Author:Anita Rothera-Delaney RN, BS
Contact Hours:2.00
Delivery Method:Online Self Study
Category:CNA Registered Courses
Learning Objectives
  • Name three of the things that are necessary to confirm a diagnosis of substance abuse.

  • Discuss some of the activities of our bodies that are affected by marijuana use.

  • Describe the human cost of substance abuse.

  • Discuss the spread of HIV infection in the U.S associated with drug abuse.

  • Describe treatment options available for people who have substance abuse addiction.

  • Describe behavior associated with ADHD kids.

  • Name four drugs (legal and illegal) teenagers might abuse.

  • Name six of the warning signs of teen substance abuse.

  • Discuss behaviors associated with drug abuse.


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