CE Provider Approvals

MyFreeCE has several continuing education provider approvals which allows us to offer our CE courses. Even though MyFreeCE does not have direct approval from some states they may accept our courses because they have reciprocal arrangements with other state boards.

California Board of Registered Nursing - MyFreeCE/CE Week has been approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing.

  • California Sponsor #CEP 13534

California Board of Vocational and Psychiatric Technicians - MyFreeCE has been approved by the California Board of Vocational and Psychiatric Technicians.

  • Provider Approval Code for Vocational Nurses #V10914
  • Provider Approval Code for Psychiatric Technicians #V10915

Florida State Board of Nursing - MyFreeCE/CE Week has been approved as a Provider of Continuing Education in Nursing by the Florida Board of Nursing.

  • Florida Board of Nursing Sponsor #50-3730-1.

Alabama Board of Nursing - MyFreeCE/CE Week has been approved as a Provider of Continuing Education in Nursing by the Alabama Board of Nursing.

  • Alabama Board of Nursing Provider #ABNP1500.

West Virginia Board of Nursing - MyFreeCE/CE Week has been approved as a Provider of Continuing Education Activities for Registered Professional Nurses by the State of West Virginia Board of Examiners for Registered Professional Nurses.

  • WVBRN Provider Registration Number WV2011-0578RN.

California Department of Public Health - MyFreeCE/CE Week has been approved by the California Department of Public Health as a Certified Nurse Assistant Continuing Education (CE) On-line Provider.

  • California Department of Public Health Nurse Aid Certification (NAC) #7012.


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